Tuesday, 3 October 2017

How to check if a treadmill belt needs replacement or lubrication

In this video we are going to show how much a treadmill belt has to slide to be considered in good condition. Unfortunately, it is often difficult for treadmill owners to understand if the running belt is correctly installed and lubricated.
The belt used in this video is a double professional canvas belt for Life Fitness treadmill, purchased at http://www.partsfortreadmill.com/
The running belt is connected to the pulley, the drive belt, and the motor (which is a large professional motor), yet it runs very easily with a minimum span. If the belt on your treadmill is locked or slipping it is necessary to clean (before) and then lubricate (after) the (white) surface of the belt where it’s in contact with the deck and the deck itself. Use for this purpose lubricants such as:
Treadmill maintenance lubricant and a lubricant for fitness equipment with silicone base
If the lubrication is not sufficient, replace the belt by mounting a low friction running belt, such as: treadmill home belts
Remember to buy from reliable suppliers to avoid purchasing stock funds and old belts, which have lost their properties have an abnormal behavior.
Remember that:
- Excessive friction of the belt is the main cause of faults in the treadmills (both domestic and gym) and causes an additional power consumption (from 30 to 70% more) which corresponds to a few hundred euros a year for intensive use (gyms).
- Always check the other transmission components (especially rollers) and the surface of the deck (cracks, breaks, and cunts)

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