Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Treadmill repair | Error code E1 as speed sensor

Speed sensor read error causing E1 treadmill error code.

1.motor doesn't work
1.replace the motor (check with external dc power supply). Also replace if causes MCB enter protection mode (too much load)
2.speed sensor doesn't work

2.replace the speed sensor if this doesn't provide signal (REED signal for magnetic sensors)

check the location of speed sensor and roller magnet ,these two parts should be within 3 mm

3.connect wire not work
3.check the connection cables and eventually replace them

4. MCB doesn't work 4. replace mcb if no power to the M+ / M- after pressing start. At least a 20VDC voltage should be present on the two terminals

Treadmill repair | Error codes and solutions E1 treadmill error in communication

E1: communication fail, digital communication from console to PCB failure

1.connect wire from meter to PCB broken
1.change the connect wire
2.meter cable head or PCB cable head or their pins not good.
2.check the cable head carefully
3. controller components broken
3.change controller

Please note E1 is usually a speed sensor error but on some treadmill boards is a communication error.

treadmill technician tips: enter engineering mode on eWay controllers


Turn on the switch, move out safety key, keep pressing ‘MODE‘ key continuously and put safety key again, for 2 seconds, then move the finger away from ’MODE‘ key. The meter will enter ’MODE‘ function:  fill the diameter of front roller, lowest speed, fastest speed, incline degree, when all information is filled, the machine will adjust the starting speed and incline angle automatically.

  • Front roller standard diameter is 42mm.
  • ‘FAST’ or ’SLOW’ means “+ “ or “-”, press ‘SET’ then set the speed.
  • When all information is filled in the windown, 1S is shown on console, AD in distance window,then press “START”,all information will be saved in the meter IC.

Need a replacement pcb controller or console? Contact us or buy it here: Treadmill controllers
Need other parts? The most comprehensive fitness equipment parts e-shop is online at

eway treadmill controller fault codes | treadmill controller led indications

POWER: Input power indicator light.

M-D: When power on, M-D indicator lights on for 3-5 seconds, then lights off. The M-D doesn’t light continuously when treadmill in use. If continue lightening, it means MOS(FET2,FET1) broken, so replace controller board.

LIMIT: If over currency or resistance force too big, LIMIT lights on, and machine stops automatically.

S-D: S-D light on will cause machine stop. Can turn on the input power and restart treadmill. If PCB S-D lights on continue, it means PCB short circuit.

UP: Incline up light. If doesn't light, function don't work.

DOWM: Incline down light. If doesn't light, function don't work.

PWM: PWM signal from meter (console) to PCB, the PWM lights when speed up. If this light is on but machine does not work, check motor wire or change PCB

how to adjust treadmill belt tension

Adjust treadmill belt tension as shown below:

Keep belt tension in the range 0.9~1.1 lbs

speed sensor for treadmill | Error E1, Error E2 on Treadmills and bikes

How does a speed sensor works and what is the effect of its location on bikes

As you exercise on a fitness trainer, you set the drive mechanism in motion by pedaling. This pedaling sets a drive pulley in motion and this motions drives a flywheel by the help of a drive belt. Mostly the drive pulley is much bigger as the pulley on the flywheel (the flywheel is the driven wheel)  
This difference is diameter can also be seen as a gear and thus will the flywheel spin much faster compared to the rotation speed of the drive pulley. This gives a comfortable feeling as the flywheel helps you keeping the machine in motion with the help of the rotating mass.


If the drive pulley is 32 cm in diameter and the pulley on the flywheel only 4 cm in diameter

Than the gear will be 1:8
This because 32/ 4 = 8

In this example the flywheel will rotate 8 times in each drive pulley revolution. 

As we want to know the RPM (Rotations Per Minute)  while we pedal we need to put our speed sensor in place where the motion is. You can image by the example shown above that it is a huge difference in where to put the magnet. Do we want one or 8 revolution counts for each rotation the drive pulley makes.  Thus do you measure the real motions or the high speed generated motion of the flywheel. 

Magnet on the drive pulley: 

This is the most simple way of measuring, and is accurate enough for permanent magnet break systems.   Each sensor pulse is one revolution and as long as the sensor is not idle for more than 3 seconds there is no problem. ( 60 seconds / 3 seconds = 20 RPM. as a minimum to keep on working ) 
The break level does not need the speed to adjust the tension level. It is adjusted only on the users behalf or in a program*  when a certain time or distance has been achieved. ( * Servo systems only ) 
When the machine is an Ergo meter* and can function in Watt controlled mode than it does need the speed sensor but only with a time interval of 3 seconds.

Magnet on the flywheel:
This is a high speed measurement in where the trainer do need the sensor to make the machine operate. Mostly this is used in combination with a EMS ( Electronic Break System ). An EMS is a combination of induction magnet coil and a control board. 
In this way of measurement the reaction time really as it should process 8 times the amount of signals in the same time. This is needed to make the display react fast enough to make the training feel smooth.

Correct speed sensor location for bikes
In every high speed magnetic speed sensor system the sensor is not allowed to be  positioned in a 90° angle. Best position would be a 180° or a 80° position. This would avoid the sensor from being charged in static way. The reason for this is, that the sensor will not be triggered with full magnet power, and is therefore easier to release the inner sensor switch. Best distance between speed sensor and magnet should be set between 3 and 5 mm.

Correct speed sensor location on treadmill to avoid E1 and E2 errors
The standard distance between the active sensor and the magnet should be as less as possible (2-3 mm).

Some sensor is provided with double sensor housing.  Therefore the active sensor print comes to far from the front roller pulley magnet. 
You can easily cut of a part of the sensor housing without creating an open environment for the
sensor electronics. Please try to modify the sensor housing to make sure this is not the problem for
the problem you are facing before you report an error. Proceed as below. 

Cut of the front sensor housing wall from the lower sensor cover. Lower sensor cover is indicated
with a B in the first picture.

After modifying the sensor housing you can re-assemble the sensor again. And Check if this solved
your speed sensor readout problem.

Need a new speed sensor? Buy it here: speed sensor for treadmills / speed sensor for bikes

Cross trainer servicing

Please find enclosed a quick trouble shooting guide for Crosstrainers.

 Crosstrainer Assembly Tips

• Check carefully to ensure that all the components for assembly are used, they are in the correct order and securely tightened. If necessary use your own hand tools.
• Apply a thin film of light grease or petroleum jelly to each moving joint before  assembly (e.g. Vaseline) do not use multi-purpose oils (e.g. 3-IN-ONE or WD- 40).
• Front Drive only. Do not fully tighten the bolts for the roller rails, rear support or upright post before tightening them; rotate the pedals and moving handlebars a few times by hand in order to get them aligned with the rails. 

Due to the many moving parts within a Cross Trainer reduce performance and noise can arise during the life of the product. These do not always indicate a component failure but may mean indicate that maintenance is required. The following schedule should be carried out periodically to maintain the product’s performance or if you experience any unusual noises or a reduction in performance.
Refer to the assembly instructions for your product for precise details on how to disassemble the moving parts so access can be made for maintenance. Moving joints and pivots points need to be checked to ensure that they are correctly tightened, free moving and lubricated.
We recommend that a light grease or petroleum jelly is used (e.g. Vaseline) do not use multi-purpose oils (e.g. 3-IN-ONE or WD-40).
1. Upper Swing Arm pivot
If necessary remove the covers. Unscrew the swing arm bolts which secure the arms to the swing arm axle. The swing arms can be slid apart to expose the axle. Apply a film of grease to the axle. Re-tighten the bolts securely.
If there is sideways play or excessive noise within the swing arm joint then it may require the fitting application of thin spacers as shown in the diagram below.

2. Lower Swing Arm to foot tube connection point
Remove covers if necessary. Unscrew bolt/axle and remove. Apply a film of grease to the bolt/axle that fits through the swing arm joint. Re-tighten the bolt/axle. Ensure that bolts and washer are correctly assembled.

3. Foot tube to rotating drum connection
Remove covers if necessary. Unscrew the securing bolt. Remove washers and tubular spacer. Push grease into the chamber around the exposed axle. Refit the components (ensure in correct order) and tighten securely.

Front Rear Driven Cross Trainers only
Lift the rollers wheels up and away from the roller rails. Remove any dust or dirt from
the area. Clean the rails using a silicon based polish such (e.g. Mr Sheen).

Need replacement parts? 
  1. Cross trainers and Stationary Bike Pedals, cranks, axles
  2. Speed sensor for elliptical bikes and cross trainers
  3. Exercise bike, cross trainers drive belt 
  4. Synchro belts and timing belts for old bikes and cross trainers
  5. Computer / Display for ellipticals and cross trainers
  6. Saddles, Knobs, Rollers 
  7. Tension controllers, brakes, felt brakes

treadmills repair | When and how to change the battery in the Tunturi Chest belt sender.

When to change the battery: 
If the receiver (monitor display) does not give a steady measurement of the heart rate and you are sure you wear the belt in a proper way. (please check the user manual on how to use the chest belt) you might need to change the battery of the chest belt. 
If normally used, the battery should last for 2 up to 4 years. Even if you don’t use the chest belt you need to change the battery after a couple of years, there the chest belt does not have an on/ off switch. 

Testing the Tunturi chest belt

You can test the chest belt by activating the sensor zones off the chest belt. ( see
picture 1 for the sensor zone on the belt ) 

Put one off your thumbs on the sensor zone and hold. Click the second zone off the belt with your other thumb in the rhythm of a heartbeat. ( marked in red in picture 2 )  You should be able to hear the activation of your thumb clicking in the sending area ( marked in yellow in picture two ) of the belt by listening carefully ( you might need to put this part nearby your ear to be able to hear it.     )

If you do not hear a sound, you can be sure that the battery is low or empty. In this case you need to replace the battery. If you do hear a sound you must be able to generate a heartbeat on your receiver ( trainers monitor ). You start nearby the monitor to see if the signal is picked up. From a picked up signal you can go further and further away from the receiver to see how far the reach is.
This should be at least 1.5 meter. If this is less, you also need to change the battery because the power ran low.

How to change the battery on the Tunturi chest belt. 

The battery housing can easily be opened with a coin ( see picture 3 ) and turning this counter clockwise. This is also shown on the battery house cover ( see picture 4 ) 

The tension of the battery contact poles will push the battery housing locking disk upwards. Take the locking disk off gentle and check the metal contact poles.
They should be without corrosion and clean. If not you might need to clean this gentle with a sandpaper. Contact poles shown in picture 6 marked in red.

In picture 5 you can see how the battery comes out of the battery housing. Make sure you put the new battery in the battery housing the same way.  In picture 7 is shown how the battery should be placed in the Tunturi chest belt.  Beware, it is recommendable to not touch the new battery with your fingers, there the battery might be out of power instantly after touching it with your hands. Make sure you use a CR2032 3 Volt cell battery.
This information is also shown on the cover disk of the battery housing. ( See picture 8 )  
If you successfully replaced the battery you can check again if you can hear the
sender working like described in this document. 

  If this didn't fix your problem, buy replacement chestbelts on our eShop

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Pulse Power System | Lake Forest | Treadmill controller Johnson

Pulse Power System treadmill controller - discontinued

Quality USA Pulse Power System controllers available on request. Contact us for information,

Pulse Treadmill controller, available

Monday, 28 April 2014

Quantum treadmill controller boards | Endex DCMD67, Endex DCMD75, Endex DCMD76 replacement treadmill boards

Starting from 2007, manufacture of controller boards Endex DCMD67, Endex DCMD75, Endex DCMD76 has been discontinued for new controllers with better performance.

Buy on our eshop
DCMD57 replacement of DCMD67

DCMD66 replacement of DCMD76

DCMD65 replacement of DCMD75

Additional protection circuit has been added to lower board design to eliminate voltage peaks that
potentially can damage power electronics supplying AC voltage to lift motor. Failure on power supply
components for lift motor (TRIAC) generates error messages E6 or E7 depending on the component
failure mode. 

Tunturi Treadmill Error E7 | Roughening of the potentiometer´s shaft | Remove E7 Error

Due to uncertainty concerning the service actions to the treadmills in case of the E7 error code,
please find below instructions how to remove the E7 error. 

The E7 error code indicates that the values the lift motor potentiometer sends are not within the
preset limits. The potentiometers’ I/O value can be checked in the console’s service menu by first
pressing the SELECT button, then the SPEED DOWN button and by holding both down for two
seconds. Thereafter the console lights will flash indicating that the engineering mode has been
entered. Press the ENTER button five times to check the value of the potentiometer; it is shown in
the TIME window. Compare it to the minimum and maximum reference values in table 1 (*2
nd page).

The potentiometer value is also displayed on the console when the E7 error code appears. Exit the
engineering mode by the same key sequence as in entering. 
If the readout from the potentiometer is 1 the software is not picking any signal from the

Possible reasons:
Lift motor rotation sensor (potentiometer) cable disconnected
Lift motor rotation sensor has poor internal contact and is thus providing incorrect values
The second connection cable between the console and the lower board is disconnected 
The potentiometer has lost its calibration and rotated to minimum 
If the readout from the potentiometer has lost its calibration setting and it differs from reference
values, adjust potentiometer (Figure 1) to obtain correct value. 

Figure 1 Lift motor potentiometer adjustment and how it affects on readout value
If the potentiometer has lost its position it can be lifted up by removing the two attachment screws.
Turn the potentiometer shaft to obtain the correct setting and place the potentiometer back to the lift
To ensure that the potentiometer maintains the correct calibration setting, use pliers to press some
ridges to the potentiometers shaft. This will ensure the adhesiveness by increasing the rougness of
the shaft before inserting it back to its counterpart (see below).

Treadmill Lift motor potentiometer value table 
The values in the  * Table 1 are reference information for troubleshooting only. Resistance is measured from black and white wires (see picture in 3rd page).  

Figure 2 The lift motor potentiometer resistance at 0 % inclination (measurement between the
black and white wires)    
Contact us for any information or buy replacement treadmill motors on our shop.

Dynamix Cross Trainer repair | SEG-1682 Console's IC Chip Replacement

Contact us for information, visit our eshop for stationary bikes and crosstrainers replacement parts  

Follow the above steps to repair controller of SEG crosstrainer

1        Remove the screws from the console cover
2        Follow the photo to find the correct IC chip
3        Use the screwdriver or hand to slightly remove the IC chip
4        When finish the IC chip's remove process, the result would similar to the photo on the left-hand side
5        Before assemble the new IC chip, make sure the direction of IC chip need to be accurate. One side of the connection area has a gap                                   
6    Slightly press the IC chips down for finishing the IC chip's replacement

York treadmill E1 trouble shooting

York treadmill E1 flowchart
Contact us for any information and buy on our eShop York treadmill parts.

Astar 101 | AsTek TD700 | AsTek TD800 | AsTek TD1600 | AsTek TD1800 | AsTek TD1400 | AsTek TD350 | AsTek TD550

Astek treadmill controllers have been used on many different treadmills manufacturers,if you need replacement, buy on our eShop treadmill controllers or contact us for any information

Torque setup

Please turn clockwise or counterclockwise for half scale every time to get higher or less torque.

Alatech treadmill controller 6690 error codes | Alatech treadmill controller connections

Error messages on Alatech treadmill controllers

8.1『Treadmill error E01』:SPEED SIGNAL IS MISSING
8.2『Treadmill error E02』:OVER VOLTAGE PROTECTION
8.3『Treadmill error E03』:OVER CURRENT IS MUCH MORE 5 SECONDS
8.4『Treadmill error E04』:MOTOR PROBLEMS
8.5『Treadmill error E06』:COMMUNICATION FAILURE
8.6『Treadmill error E09』:INCLINE CHECKING PROBLEMS
8.6『Treadmill error E0P』:SPEED CHECKING PROBLEMS
8.8『Treadmill error E0E』: EEPROM  IS DAMAGED

Alatech treadmill controller connections
Available treadmill controllers? Buy it here:
  1. Alatech
  1. Treadmill controller 220 to 240 VAC input (Europe / Asia / Australia)
  2. Treadmill controllers 110-120 VAC input (North America)  
  3. Other fitness equipment parts

Saturday, 19 April 2014

PMDC Motor for treadmill

PMDC stands for Permanent Magnet Direct Current Motor. This is the most common type of motor used on home use treadmills.

Buy on our eshop convenient Permanent Magnet Direct Current Motor for treadmills

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Running belt | how to replace and how much walking belts cost

1. Motor Hood removal and replacement

2. End Cap and Side Rail removal and replacement

3. Rear Roller removal
4. Front Roller removal
Before beginning, mark the position of the Belt Tension Bolt. You can do this by counting the number of threads on the tension bolt or noting the location relative to the round hole on the side of the mounting bracket.
 5. Deck removal

Replacement Steps: A. Use a silicon lubricating spray on the inside of the belt before installation. B. Place the new belt inside the treadmill frame as shown in the picture to the right.
Don't forget to tension and center the walking belt.

Buy high quality, brand new running belts from 65£ 
Buy european quality treadmill running decks from 49£