Saturday, 28 December 2013

replacing a treadmill belt | Belt Centering

The treadmill uses tapered rollers to keep the running belt centered, but if the running belt drifts to either side and touches the side rails it will need to be adjusted.
Before making any adjustments, start the treadmill and set the speed to 4KM/H. If adjusting the belt tension screws on the back of the treadmill does not resolve the problem, you may need to adjust the tension on the front roller. This adjustment is available on the right side of the front roller only and will require that you remove the motor hood.  

Belt Drifts to the Right
If the running belt drifts too far to the right side, use the 6 mm Allen Wrench to turn the right tension bolt clockwise 1/2 turn at a time until the belt is properly centered.

Belt Drifts to the Left
If the running belt drifts too far to the left, use the 6 mm Allen Wrench to turn the left tension bolt Clockwise 1/2 turn at a time until the belt is properly centered.

Buy on our shop treadmills parts

How to repair treadmill belt | Belt Tensioning

If the belt beings to slip during use, it will need to be tensioned. The treadmill is equipped with tension bolts that are accessible from the back of the treadmill. Before tensioning the belt, start the treadmill and set the speed to 4KM/H. Using a 6 mm Allen Wrench, turn the right and left tension bolts 1/2 turn, alternating back and firth until the belt slipping stops. After each 1/2 turn adjustment, test to see if the slipping is eliminated.
If you turn one side more than the other, the belt will start to drift to the side of the treadmill and need to be aligned.

Over-tightening the belt will cause additional loading where on the mechanical and electrical components on treadmill and often does not fix the problem. If the slipping is not eliminated, try reducing the belt tension to see if the problem is resolved. If this does not eliminate the slipping, you may need to replace the belt. If the belt is replaced, always clean off the front roller to remove any extra lubricant that is present. When cleaning the front roller, make sure that you don’t get any water, detergent or solvent in the bearings or other components on the treadmill.

Buy on our shop replacement treadmill belts

Belt for treadmill replacement and adjustment

On our eshop it’s easy to find treadmill parts which are compatible with Weslo, Nordick Track, Tunturi, Nautilus, Technogym, Sportcraft, Golds Gym, Roadmaster, Icon, Sears, Life Fitness and most important brands.

Walking belt removal and replacement procedure

1.    Treadmill motor hood removal
A. Loosen the fixing screws, which are usually on the right and left side of motor hood.  
B. After loosening, pull up to remove the hood.  
2.    Treadmill End Cap and Side Rail removal
a.    Loosen the screws, which fix the end caps, then take off the caps
b.    If the side rail is not screwed, pull it up (stick w/both side stick bond) then remove, but  w/care and prevent to break or damage the side rail.  

3.    Rear Roller removal
a.    Before loosening the Belt Tension Bolts mark the current roller position. You can do this by counting the number of threads on the tension bolt or noting the location relative to the round hole on the side of the mounting bracket
b.    Loosen and remove each belt tension bolt.
c.    Pull up on one side of the roller and pull the roller out from inside the belt
 4.    Front roller removal
a.    Loosen and remove the Belt Tension Bolt on the right side of the front roller.
b.    Remove the drive belt from the pullets by pulling the belt to the outside with one
hand and rotating the flywheel on the Motor with the other so that the belt
walks off the pulley.
c.    Pull up on the left side of the roller and pull the roller out. 

5.    Treadmill Running belt removal
a.    Remove the deck screws on the right side of deck which connecting to frame with a
Phillip/Cross screwdriver.
b.    Slide and pull the belt treadmill out. 
6.    Use a silicon lubricating spray on the inside of the belt before installation, then slide the new belt inside the treadmill.
7.    Reverse the steps to finally fix the belt.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Running Belt Tension Adjustment

Over-tightening of the roller will severely shorten the life of the belt and may cause further damage to other components.

Running Belt:
If when you plant your foot on the belt, you can feel slipping sensation then the belt has stretched and is
slipping across the rollers. This is a normal and common adjustment on a new treadmill.    
To eliminate this slipping, rotate the two Allen bolts of rear roller by 1/4 TURN as diagram shown.
Try the treadmill again to check for slipping.    Repeat if necessary, but NEVER TURN the roller bolts more than 1/4 turn at a time.
The right tension of running belt is 0.9 - 1.1 lb.

Buy treadmill belts on our ecommerce

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Treadmill Error Troubleshooting

Errors for Lohas Strengthmaster Range, MCB SMM2100 and SMM2150

Treadmill Error E1
1.    Check the speed sensor connections, ensure they are fitted correctly.
2.    Check for any damage to sensor or magnet in rollers pulley.
3.    Note: the sensor and magnet should be within 2 – 3 mm of each other.
4.    If E1 still there contact your local distributor for assistance.

Treadmill Error E2
1.    Check all wiring to MCB, PCB and Motor.
2.    If E2 still there contact your local distributor for assistance.

Treadmill Error E4 (Only with HRC program)
1.    Ensure you have a good grip on Heart rate sensors on the handlebars.
2.    Make sure hands are moist (Aloe Vera helps)
3.    If using the wireless HR straps please follow as per owners manual.
4.    Check battery.
5.    Check all wiring to and from the Incline motor.
6.    If E4 still there contact your local distributor for assistance.

Treadmill Error E6
1.    Check all wiring to and from the Incline motor.
2.    If E6 still there contact your local distributor for assistance.

Treadmill Error E7
1.    Check all wiring to and from the Incline motor.
2.    If E7 still there contact your local distributor for assistance.

Treadmill Error E9
1.    Check all wiring from Base to console.
2.    If E9 still there contact your local distributor for assistance.

Treadmill Error N/A
1.    If the console is not lighting up or is erratic, check power is correctly connected. Check Safety Key is also in place.
2.    Running belt won’t stay centered, ensure treadmill is on a level surface, or refer to the instructions in this owner’s manual on how to adjust belt.
3.    Treadmill motor seems strained; check the running deck and belt have sufficient lubrication.
4.    Treadmill belt slips during use; refer to the instructions in this owner’s manual on how to adjust belt.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Treadmill motor replace | how to set IR, SPEED, Torque on Motor Board

Turn IR and LIMIT (also called TORQUE) clockwise or counterclockwise for half scale every time to get higher or less torque.

SPEED: it is used to set up the rapport between
the signal coming from console to motor controller
AND the voltage to the motor (i.e. signal 5V from console to MCB = 140 V may become 5V from console -> 180V to the motor)

You don't usually need to set SPEED. The sensor (REED or optic) on the treadmill gives a feeedback to the console and the console adjust the signal to the MCB until the correct speed has been reached.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Adjust treadmill motor controller board after motor change | Astek treadmill boards

1. Please adjust the IR, LIMIT and SPEED value on the MCB.
2. For Turdan Motors, adjust the IR value to 11 and LIMIT value to 5.5

3. For Turdan Motors, adjust the SPEED value to 8.5

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Treadmill E1 error | change the optical speed sensor to a magnetic speed sensor without replacing the original power board

In case you need to change the optical speed sensor to a  magnetic speed sensor without
replacing the original power board please do the following:

1) Fix the magnetic speed sensor to the correct place pointing towards the magnet
in the front roller. Leave the distance between sensor and magnet 2 - 3 mm

2) a. Connect the speed sensor to the power board by using the 2 pin cable: 

    b. or cut original wires, and connect wires directly. Red is not connected. (close up open 
        wires with shrink-hose)
    c. or connect the 2 pin plug directly on the 3 pin socket on PCB. Right 2 pins are used. Left      
        one is not connected. Pls make sure connector is fixed properly to the socket (glue).

Please connect the power and manually rotate the front roller to see if the speed signal appears
on the power board on LED in position D30

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Repair StrengthMaster Treadmill AC motor autotuning

1) Press enter + speed up + incline up 

2) Keep pressing “Enter” till the main window shows up “AUTO TUNING”

3) When LED below show “AUTO”, Press “Start” and speed “up” buttons to proceed auto tunning.
Warning: Do not stand on running belt when proceeding auto tunning.         
4) Abour 25 seconds later, the main window will stop without any numbers.
5) Press ENTER and incline “up” back to stand by mode as below.

Broken controller? Buy the replacement here:

Treadmill Inverter for professional equipment Endex Jim224

Treadmill Inverter compatible with Technogym Spazio Forma models

Treadmill Inverter compatible with Technogym Run Race models

Treadmill Inverter compatible with Technogym XT / XT PRO models

Treadmill AC Retrofit KIT: Inverter + cabling + potentiometer + alternating current (AC) motor

Other parts





Treadmill error codes MCB ALT 6090


Monday, 7 October 2013

Treadmill troubleshooting: No display on meter

No display on meter

Be sure the power is right.
If new treadmill, be sure the connect cable pins are OK
If used treadmill, it maybe some PCB components broken or transformer broken. Let the engineer check using multimeter.

Buy a replacement parts here: treadmill controller; transformer and cables; treadmill repair

Treadmill errors e0 e1 e3

Buy treadmill controller and treadmill speed sensor on our eshop.

1. no safety key
1. connect safety key
2. safety key sensor broken
2. open the console case, replace the sensor under the safety key (use one of these sensors).
3. safety key does not work.
3. replace the key.

1. motor does not work

1.change or rework the treadmill motor
2. speed sensor does not work
2. change or rework the speed sensor
3. roller magnetic not work
3. change or rework the roller
4. connect wire not work
4. change or rework the wire
E3:Only caused when use 'MODE' key
1. motor speed can not be control
1. change motor
2. motor not work
2. change motor
3. speed sensor not work well, no signal.
3. change speed sensor