Monday, 28 April 2014

Dynamix Cross Trainer repair | SEG-1682 Console's IC Chip Replacement

Contact us for information, visit our eshop for stationary bikes and crosstrainers replacement parts  

Follow the above steps to repair controller of SEG crosstrainer

1        Remove the screws from the console cover
2        Follow the photo to find the correct IC chip
3        Use the screwdriver or hand to slightly remove the IC chip
4        When finish the IC chip's remove process, the result would similar to the photo on the left-hand side
5        Before assemble the new IC chip, make sure the direction of IC chip need to be accurate. One side of the connection area has a gap                                   
6    Slightly press the IC chips down for finishing the IC chip's replacement


  1. Where can I buy such a chip? Thanks!

    1. sorry the chip is not available anymore, unfortunately. You could eventually replace all electronic of the cross trainer. In that case you can contact for more details.

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