Thursday, 22 February 2018


At Parts For Treadmill we are convinced that every little helps.

Today we are helping Oxfam, an association that, despite the recent scandals, is helping people all over the world and is highlighting in their reports growing inequalities in the third as well as in the western world.

We also believe in entrepreneurship, so we are helping little communities and growing entrepreneurs with the association Kiva

Kiva ( is an international no-profit organization which envision a world where all people hold the power to create opportunity for themselves and others.

By lending as little as $25 on Kiva, anyone can help a borrower start or grow a business, go to school, access clean energy or realize their potential. For some, it’s a matter of survival, for others it’s the fuel for a life-long ambition.

Today we help:

A loan helps to buy more maize flour, cassava and beans for sale.


Kuña Mbarete Group

Curuguaty, Paraguay

A loan helps to buy fabric in bulk.


Sokhea's Group

Kampot Province, Chhuk District, Cambodia

A loan helps to buy more fertilizer to improve the yields

from her lemongrass farmland.


A loan helps to buy shoes and undergarments to sell.


Benkadi Group

Nonsombougou, Mali

A loan helps to buy sheep to raise and resell in order to support

his family.


A loan helps to buy more women's clothes to sell.


Mujeres Promesas Group

San Pedro Yepocapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala

A loan helps to buy soda pop at wholesale prices.

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