Monday 6 April 2015

Treadmill speed: when do you need to set the speed

I´ve been reading your blog, I´ve seen sometimes you do adjustings at boards or console to set proper speed settings. When I sell a replacement motor or board I never say they have to adjust something, is it necessary. I don´t want to sell motors or boards without the proper knowledge about what I´m doing..


The setting of speed is automatic on 90% of controllers. Only a few controllers require the user to set the speed.
The most used controllers which need adjustments are:

  • Greenmaster - usually GMD market control boards, because they don't have speed sensor -> in this case, the setting is made with the trimmer speed on the lower control board.
  • Icon - brands Domyos, Proform, Weslo, Nordick Track. This controller has a speed sensor but it is used only to read speed and not to set. -> In this case there's a procedure, which you can find on the blog.
Anyway, the regulation regards to speed and it is not very important, unless for some reason the speed reported on display is much higher than the real speed.

The real issue when replacing a motor and/or a controller is that if the problem was due to lack of maintenance or other problems (such as friction of the belt, damaged motor when replacing a controller, too much user weight compared to treadmill possibility...) it will happen again.

The best would be to check with an anmeter after installation how much is the current with and without load. If the current access 1,5/1,7 A without load or 6/7A with load, it means there's some problem on the treadmill which has to be solved to avoid early breakage of replaced parts.

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