Monday, 6 April 2015

TM Treadmill controller


I´m trying to repair a board TM5942. I see it uses a transformer with 2 secondaries, I guess they should be around 12Vac, could you check the value of this transformer?

I also see on the connector for panel one signal is coming and another signal is going so the only way is control speed demand is coming to the board but I don´t know which signal is sending the board to the panel.

I see the processor should switch on the relay but I don´t know when because we have only one opto to send a signal from the panel to the MCB.

I see 4 LED:
LVS = ???
RLY = Relay
PANEL = Power to the panel

Can you help me to clear a little bit the philosphy under this board? Thanks, regards,


it's a tx/rx controller which speaks to the console, this is the reason why it's written connect. I don't have much experience on those TM boards as they are not very common.
If you don't have a console to test it, repair is very difficult. In this case I think it's better to give a new controller to the customer. You risk loosing time to understand how it works and then you learn just for a few pcs in your life.


  1. I have the same controller and when i power up the machine the connect lamp lights up for 2 seconds then switched of and upper controller gives me error 2

    could u plz advice

  2. I have the same controller and when i power up the machine the connect lamp lights up for 2 seconds then switched of and upper controller gives me error 2

    could u plz advice

    1. You should replace the controller. You can buy it here: please be careful because they look similar but there are two versions one has 2 pin speed sensor, and another 3 pin speed sensor.

  3. Hello,
    1. Check DC motor, connect battery to motor red +, black -. If motor good next step check the board TM5942.
    2. CHECK LEDS on board TM5942:
    LVS = on - when power switch on;
    RLY = Relay on when pushbutton on conrlol panel on;
    PANEL = Power to the panel - on - when power switch on;
    CONNECT = blinks when pushbutton on conrlol panel on;

  4. 3. Check the resitors 2 mom o.5 watt, 4 ea on board, often faulty.
    4. Check power supply voltage 12v and 5 volt.
    5. Сheck short circuit of main IGBT transistor and diode.
    6. Check voltage 340 volt on big capacitor.

    1. Thank you Antony for your detailed feedback, are you interested in cooperating with our blog regularly?

    2. Dear I have problem with this Tm5942 cansol panel is dead no display I was chack all power supplys 12volt 5volt available and control bord connect LED and rely light off panel lvs lights is on please advise

  5. I have same power supply card TM5942 its Panel+LVS+Rail led's are ON but Rly+Connect Led's are Off, its 12v & 5v supplies are ok but it shows error1 on display what is the problem any body help me please.
    Thanks in advance
