Saturday, 4 October 2014

Difference between Icon MC2100E REV. B - Icon MC2100E REV. C - ICON MC2100E REV. D and Icon MC2100ELS

Icon MC2100E REV. B, Icon MC2100E REV. C and ICON MC2100E REV. D are same controllers. Connectors are the same and they are 100% fully compatible with each other.
REV. D is the last manufactured controller and it's currently still in production as a replacement for old controllers. Anyway, it doesn't comply with Energy Saving Directive (Erp) so it's not possible to use it in new treadmills on the European market.

MC2100E Rev C controller. Crossed connections of external transformer
Icon MC2100 ELS is the new controller used on most of Proform, Weslo and Nordick Track treadmills. It's 100% compatible with the former controllers Icon MC2100E REV. B, Icon MC2100E REV. C and ICON MC2100E REV. D. It's also fully compliant with Erp Directive and a switching transformer is integrated in the controller.

MC2100 ELS controller. Crossed switching transformer
As you can see from pictures, there are some layout improvements but the main connectors are exactly the same as the former controllers, except the connectors for transformer.

When replacing 2100E with 2100ELS please note that those connectors are for an external transformer, the new controller has an integrated transformer so you don't need to connect it again.
The old external transformer may be removed from treadmill.

Please note it is OK to replace MC2100E (rev B, rev C or rev D) with MC2100ELS, but it's not possible to make the opposite (replace a 2100ELS with a 2100E).

Need an MC2100 controller? Buy here MC2100 controllers (convenient compatible controllers available)


  1. Is possible to replace a 2100ELS whit a 2100E(from 780zlt) + transformer and his motor? Remain in treadmill only panel from 600zlt + sensors and incline motor.

  2. Hi Lucian, if both controllers have same incline function (both with electric incline or both w/o electric incline), it's possible to exchange easily.
    If one of the two is electric and the othery is manual, you should adapt some connectors.

  3. Yes, the same is with electric motor for incline.

  4. I've got a proform that only rotates once when you hit start. Red light is solid. What component usually goes on these? it's worth having a punt at buying a component or 2 before splashing out a ton on a replacement card.

  5. I think you should double check the motor, because it may be faulty. I can't help with the repair of controller because it's made for us by a specialized lab.

  6. Hola, necesito ayuda en el controlador MC2100E Rev C, necesito saber las caracteristicas del condensador C2 de los dos grandes el pequeño y si no es mucho pedir la salida TG5 (que tiene dos cables) donde va?....gracias

  7. Hola, necesito ayuda en el controlador MC2100E Rev C, necesito saber las caracteristicas del condensador C2 de los dos grandes el pequeño y si no es mucho pedir la salida TG5 (que tiene dos cables) donde va?....gracias

    1. Sorry we don't have this technical information

  8. Hi i m michele from Italy i need the electric scheme for MC 2100E REV C because I'm not able to find it on the internet thx

    1. Ciao Michele, we don't have the repair schemes, we only have the wiring (connection) schemes. You can find them here

  9. Buongiorno
    ho une scheda mc2100 rev c e penso che devo cambiare il mosfet perch ho misurato piu de 300 v senza il motore.Quale carraterista di mosfet devo sheltare ?
