Friday, 4 July 2014


 LCD no display.
1. Make sure the Adaptor have plug in the AC electrical outlet properly..
2. Make sure the Adaptor’s electrical socket have plug in the stage. Check whether it
bad contact or not.
3. Check the Adaptor’s AC voltage ,to see if it is same as the user’s household
4.Check the console together with the stage’s 12PIN connect cable, to see if  the
console are bad contact or get loose with the stage’s 12PIN connect cable.
5. Check the DC JACK 3PIN connect cable are loose or not.
No alteration of resistance
1. When the LOAD/LEVEL is up or down, to see the Motor is running or not .
2.Check the console together with the stage’s 12PIN connect cable, to see if the console are bad contact or get loose with the stage’s 12PIN connect cable.
3. To see the Motor is running or not after plug in the adaptor again and turn on the console.
NO Hand pulse figure display
1. Make sure the user holds both hands on the handgrip sensor. Please keep both hands together at the same tame on handpulse, during training period.
2. Check the signal cable which in the handgrip sensor, to see if it loose or not.
3. To see the console whether in the low-speed (energy saving mode) or not.
No display of Built-in figure
1. Make sure user have wear the built-in belt in the proper position. Make sure the body is abreast with the console.
2. Check the battery is is dead or not, please changes the battery and tests it again.
3. To see the console whether in the low-speed (energy saving mode) or not.
LCD display error E-1
1.E-1 is indicate the console have not receive the body fat figure , Make sure the user have hold onto the handgrip sensor ,Please do hold two hands together during training period.

LCD display error E-4
1.  E-4 is indicate the user’s age, height, weight figure have exceed of the setting range when user setting their information. please according the use’s actual figure setting your information.
LCD display error E-2
1.Check the console together with the stage’s 12PIN connect cable, to see if  the console are bad contact or get loose with the stage’s 12PIN connect cable.
2. Check the Motor distance have exceed of the setting range or not.
No display of SPEED figure
1.       Check the console together with the stage’s 12PIN connect cable, to see if  the console are bad contact or get loose with the stage’s 12PIN connect cable
2.  Check the Speed SENSOR cable, to see if it is bad contact or getting loose.
Fail to respond the RECOVERY function.
1 Check the console is in the STOP condition or not.
2. Check the pulse function, to see if it can display the pulse figure or not.

If you need spare parts or assistance, please contact us

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