Saturday, 25 January 2014

Treadmill Error E1 on Strengthmaster Treadmills

Buy all the treadmill spare parts you need at reasonable prices and great quality.

Treadmill Error Code – E1
This Error Code may appear under 3 different situations:

• The “Start” button is pushed and the E1 error code is displayed immediately.
• The “Start” button is pushed, the display counts for 3 seconds, the DC Motor begins to run and then stop after 6 seconds, when the E1 error code is displayed.
• The “Start” button is pushed, the display count for 6 seconds, and then the E1 error code appears. The belt does not move in this situation.

Treadmill Error E1
After you determine which of these scenarios is occurring, please follow the instructions below to correct the problem.

If the E1 error code shows immediately it is likely a wiring connection problem. Check the connector at the back of the display, in the handlebars and at the bottom of the right side support post. Make sure that the connectors are turned the right way, that none of the pins are bent and that they are firmly pressed together. If this does not solve the problem you may have a problem with a wiring harness. Check to see if the harness was damaged during assembly by visibly inspecting the harness where the handlebars and the support post are connected during assembly and where the support post is inserted into the base. If there are signs of damage, you can isolate the mid-section of wiring harness and test to see if this is the problem through removing the display from the handlebars and attaching it directly to the end of the wiring harness coming out of the right side of the base. If the display now works properly, replace the damaged wiring harness.

If this does not resolve the problem, remove the bottom hood cover and replace the wiring harness from the controller board to the base. You might also try to replace the speed sensor of the treadmill.

If the E1 error occurs after the belt starts to move for several seconds, the error code means that the system is not picking up the speed of the motor. This pickup comes from a magnet mounted on the front roller pulley and a speed sensor or from an optic sensor on the motor. To resolve this problem, follow these steps:

A.    Check the connection between the speed sensor and the controller board. This connection may be sealed with hot glue to keep it from loosening. Make sure that the connection is secure without removing the hot glue.

B.    Make sure that the magnet is properly installed on the front pulley. If you cannot locate the magnet on the pulley order a new magnet (write at

C. Replace the magnet and/or sensor
If this does not solve the problem, this is likely caused by a defective motor (too much current need from the motor causes the board to enter protection mode and stop the treadmill belt)

If the E1 error after the display count the workout time for 6 seconds but the belt never begins, the error code means that the DC Motor Controller is likely defective and needs to be replaced. The problem could also be associated with a defective motor (8/13%).


  1. sensor is ok and magnate already ok carbon ok treadmill not run show error e1 please help me

  2. first check if motor turns smoothly, you can connect a 12VDC battery to m+/m- cables (usually black and red) of motor. If it turns, the problem is on the motor controller and you have to replace it.
    You can find at below link: motor controllers

  3. My tredmill. Shows E01. On screen and don't run.. Please help me..

    1. Hi, does it start and then stop? or doesn't start at all?
      First scenario (start & then stops) may be sensor, that's quite cheap, you can find it on
      If doesn't start at all, first double check cables connections, but it's likely to be a controller problem which is more expensive, you can check above website or contact people there to ask for price.

  4. Tunturi T40 treadmill - runs without issue on its own. Once I start to exercise, the error LED on the MCB begins to flash. It usually last 15-50 sec before stopping with E1 error. On occasion it can go 10-15 min before this happens. Magnet is in place, speed sensor gap is good. All connections are tight. Belt is lubricated.

    1. It is likely that you can solve this problem by replacing the running belt with a low friction running belt like the ones available here: low friction running belts
      It is likely that it stops because load gets too high.

  5. Tunturi T40 treadmill - Runs without issue on its own. Once I start to exercise, the unit stops with E1 error anywhere between 10-50 sec, or on rare occasion goes 10-15 min before stopping. The Error LED flashes during this time before going solid. The magnet is in place, the speed sensor gap is good. all connections are tight, and belt is lubricated.

    1. Does it run well on its own, even if you increase speed up to the maximum?

  6. Yes, can achieve full speed without issue. It is only when the machine is loaded (ie someone walking) that the the Error LED starts to flash

    1. can you try to start the treadmill at low speed? And then make some pressure with your hands or with a cloth on the motor flywheel, to simulate load. If you can replicate the same problem, then the problem is likely to be in the motor. Maybe it has some electric leakage inside.
      If you can't replicate the problem, then it is likely to be in the running belt. You can get one low friction belt here:

  7. I put a similiar motor to my treadmill (not identical, but similiar) and runs fine until about 10 minute mark where it starts to smoke due to overheating. It could be 2 things. First one is the speed sensor itself because newer motor didn't have speed sensor so I had to make a thread at the end of the shaft and place a bolt with a shin and also make a bracket for the sensor itself so it may be that I wasn't precise enough to get 100% fitment. Second thing could be that newer motor draws more current bevause it is more powerful (1.5HP older and 1.75HP newer). Or eaven the sensor itself could go wrong. Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi if I understand well, you replaced a motor (damaged) with a new one. But it overheats. If so, it doesn't depend on the sensor. You should try to run the treadmill at max speed for half hour. If you don't see any problem or heating of the motor, then it's likely that the motor is heating because you have too much friction on your treadmill. This causes the motor to draw more current. If the treadmill is more than 5/6 years old, I suggest to replace the running belt with a low friction one and lubricate it, as the increased friction on the running belt is likely to be the cause of the old motor damage and of the new one overheating. A double friction factor (un-noticeable if you look or touch the belt) will require double current with same user weight.

  8. I recently put a more powerful motor on my treadmill (originaly 1.25HP and now 1.5HP). Fitment was good, seller ad eaven said compatibility and interchangeability with older motor but that wasn't the case because newer motor didn't have speed sensor shim at the end of the axle/shaft so I had to make a thread myself with addition to the bracket for the sensor itself. Everything works fine until 10 minute mark when motor starts to overheat which is sign of too much current draw. Now it could be a couple of things, controller board can't cope with stronger motor as it thinks it has less powerful motor (1.25HP) so there is where excess current ocurrs. It could be that I wasn't precise enough when making a thread at the end of the shaft/axle so shim moves a little bit excentric and the speed sensor isn't picking up signal properly. Or it could be sensor itself but that is not the case I suspect. Note that running belt is fully lubricated so motor isn't under high loads (except when I'm on it), motor was bought as new in fully working condition with seller eaven sending video of it running as it should, durring starting the treadmill my feet were always sideways when starting to avoid high starting loads and prolong life od the motor. Treadmill is New Age Fitness, model M0100. New motor is Tewei C8APB1 1.5HP
    and old one is Tewei C8APA1

    1. Dear Stjepan, I am not sure if you are the same person who wrote before. My opinion is that it's not a sensor problem (if a sensor problem the treadmill will stop and show an error), but it is a friction problem. If you have a way to check exact current draw of the motor you could see it. Without load it should be at 1.5A, with load about 5A. Those are measurment taken on the motor cables with amperometric clamp. If you read on the power imput of the treadmill you will read differently.

    2. And of course if you read more than 1.5 with no load, you should check rollers and other similar situations which may be blocked. If you only read abnormal with load, it is 98% running belt friction factor problem, and in a negligible percentage a case of deck problem.

  9. Yes, I wrote twice. I will check current draw of the motor cables itself and post. You say friction problem? I did put a lot of silicone lubricant underneath the running belt but as you say it could be rollers and other thing that I will check and reply. Thanks for the ultra fast answer!

    1. it happened to me that I was online just when you were writing :). Anyway if the belt is old sometimes lubricating is not enough and also you should consider that if you lubricate too much you will get the opposite effect (with the friction factor growing) and if you are using a bad lube (ex. WD40) it's even worse. I suggest you to take the A in the current condition, then clean well deck and belt, lube and check again. I guess you can find some difference. Or you could find a difference by walking in the centre of the belt or on the sides. This is anoter sign of belt friction because in the center of the belt (where you usually walk) the bottom texture is more likely to collect dust and debris and become damaged and more stift.

  10. You were correct, at no load it fluctuates between 2 A to eaven 4,5 A, at load it was maximum of 10-11A so it must be rollers or similiar?

    1. Please consider that sometimes the clamp doesn't get the r ight reading, so fluctuation may be due to reading error. Anyway if the reading is stable, I would check rollers and tension of the running belt. Please try to decrease the tension by unscrewing the back regulation bolts (both 1/2 turn or 1 turn). You can also try to release a little bit the drive belt (maybe by installing the motor you tensioned it too much). 10/11 is surely way too much, unless you are 130kg.

  11. Well, appears roller bearings aren't very good, deck seems solid and smooth and running track decent but didn't find a drop of lubricant on it. Drive belt isn't too tight as tightening it or untightening it didn't seem to do anything regarding load current. Could I drop you a few pictures because I have a few concerns and would like You to look at it?

    1. Yes please upload and send me the link so that I can check them. If you send also pic of the bottom texture of the belt I might be able to advice about it as well.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry it asks for access and I can't see pics. Please try using wetransfer or similar. If you can also make a video with the reading this could also help.


    1. Thanks I give you some suggestions

      1) I am not sure if it is a matter of the picture but it looks that the motor and the pulley are slightly misaligned. If it's the case, this may affect the load on the motor and damage the bearings over time

      2) The deck surface looks nice, but I can't say if it's perfeclty straight. If you move it close to a window (or a straight metal bar) you might notice if it's still well straight.

      3) I can see from the pictures that your deck has belt guides. Sometimes they bring more damage rather than advantage. Please try to remove them and see if the consumption change.

      4) the belt looks grey to black and I would suggest to replace it.

      5) the rollers now should rotate freely with no effort. If that is not the case, it might be necessary to replace the bearings.

      6) I forgot to mention that sometimes if the screws used to fix the motor are too long, they may disturb the motor. It is unlikely to be the case for you, but it is good to mention because checking this is easy.

  14. 1) Yes, motor and the sprocket are misaligned and I will make them straight

    4) Replacing belt is my last choice because of expenses, and I'll try everything before changing it

    Will reply how much load it is after changes

    1. I understand this but I think you can explain the situation and ask for a good price from the company who sold you the motor. Because if finally the problem is the belt, and you don't replace it, you will end up in spending more money every time you use the treadmill because of double consumption and you risk breaking motor or controller which are more expensive than a running belt. Anyway, go on and make the tests and see if you can bring the consumption at a normal level. Let us know!

  15. connect to A/C power supply, immediately beep sound come out and display show code E-01. Brand Takasima F1. can u help me and reply via email is recomendded @

  16. Dear sir I having sportek ST1000 treadmill.recently i am facing some issue.after start the treadmill belt start to running and i can increase speed but after 20 or 30 seconds belt got stop running and top panel board no power.then i switched off the power and after few minutes i power on back the treadmill and started again and running well.after same thing is happening its getting power off.i was checked wiring connection,belt speed sensor and no E1 alarm .everything is in good condition.please help to give ideas for solving the problem

  17. Dear sir I having sportek ST1000 treadmill.recently i am facing some issue.after start the treadmill belt start to running and i can increase speed but after 20 or 30 seconds belt got stop running and top panel board no power.then i switched off the power and after few minutes i power on back the treadmill and started again and running well.after same thing is happening its getting power off.i was checked wiring connection,belt speed sensor and no E1 alarm .everything is in good condition.please help to give ideas for solving the problem

    1. Can you try without anybody on the treadmill to test? If it works it is a load problem, if it doesn't may be a problem on the lower controller board. In case you need parts you can buy them at

  18. Dear Treadmill Gurus,

    thank you for your detailed inputs. I have a UBEFit KL1301 treadmill, which was working fine up to recently, however then:
    1. during a workout last week, set at fixed speed, it started going faster or slower, without any input whatsoever from my side!
    2. from that point onwards, the treadmill is booting up OK, starts OK when hitting the "start" button, with the belt moving along without any apparent problem, but after 6 seconds or so, it stops and throws the E01 error.

    I've done all i could, incl.:
    a) lubricating the belt
    b) adjusting the left/right balance (no apparent problem)
    c) opening up the cover and cleaning up the speed sensor which "reads" the speed from the 2 magnets on the roller

    No improvement whatsoever. The behavior is precisely the same as on [2] above. I even disconnected the speed sensor from the board and repeated the test - exactly the same behavior. Which leads me to suspect it's not an issue of the speed sensor, but some other issue - with the motor?

    Looking forward to your suggestions.


    P.S. Happy to upload photos if this helps...

    1. Thank you for your guidance. Considering though that, even when i disconnected the speed sensor from the board, the behavior was precisely the same, how confident are we that it's the speed sensor issue?

      Many thanks!!!

      P.S. i have no problem whatsoever with ordering a new speed sensor, if that's what you believe is the root cause - hopefully you can ship to Greece...

    2. Broken sensor or no sensor will bring the same problem i.e. no reading and the treadmill stop for safety so I think the sensor is the problem. Other things may bring the same problem, but I think 99% will be the sensor. Especially since you didn't touch anything on the treadmill so things like that you moved the sensor in a wrong position is unlikely. The sensors have a thin metal part inside and this may get broken.

  19. Thank you - i have order the replacement speed sensor from your site...

  20. hye i need help my treadmill got error PP what kind of problems is this?

  21. Hallo

    First thanks for your website, it already helped me a lot! Unfortunately I now have a problem I cannot solve.

    I have a Proteus CBM-1050 treadmill. It run fine for about 3 months but then all of a sudden it stopped (I had lubricated it every month) with an error E1.
    We have replaced the sensor but that did not help. We have been adjusting the belt a lot but we think it is OK, still it is not working.
    When switched on we can press start and the belt starts moving at 1 km/h. That can be a long time, it won’t stop. But either putting a foot on the belt or increasing the speed makes it stop and then after 6 seconds the E1 error appears.
    Do you have any clues or advice for us? Would be really appreciated.

    Kind regards


    1. hello remove the carter and see if it slips somewhere. I think your engine belt is slipping

  22. Hello

    First thank you for your website, it already helped us a lot. Unfortunately we now have a problem we cannot solve, I hope you have some clue(s) for us.
    We have a “Proteus CBM-1050” Treadmill. Bought second hand but worked flawlessly for 4 months and then stopped.
    We had lubricated the belt every month, the treadmill was used almost daily (3o-40 minutes/day)
    All of a sudden, about a month ago the treadmill stopped with the famous “E1” error code.
    We (Me and my sons) are all IT software people with quite some hardware knowledge so we thought: “How hard can it be”. Well… it is.
    It is still not woking. We have:
    - Replaced the reed sensor, then started measuring to find out that the old one worked perfect…
    - Lubricated and re-aligned the belt. Also tighten the Motor Belt.
    But still, you can start the belt, it will run at 1km/h, will do that a long time but as soon as you either increase the speed or put a (very light) foot on the belt it stops. You hear the relays click and it makes a full stop. After a few seconds the E1 message appears.
    The incline motor works (Just not after the E1) and it will go up and down.
    Do you have any ideas?

    Thanks in advance!

    Kind Regards

    Walter van der Heiden

    1. you can also check if the pulley turns around the front roller

    2. Ok. We’ll check. We suspect the motor electronics at the moment.

  23. treadmill turns on and works for 5 mins but then goes into an e error and stops completely.... if i turn it off and on again then it works for a few seconds then goes back into that error again

    1. hi most likely it is the engine that stops due to excessive friction. It may be due to the worn or old belt

  24. Hi, my treadmill also show a E1 error but my situation is a bit different of the three option you proposed. My treadmill turn, then when I press start, my motor make a very little movement and stop and a few seconds later the E1 shows. During the process, the light in the controler name MOT_DRV turn on and flash.

    I don't think it'sthe sensor because when my sensor is aligned with the magnet, the light on the controler turn on.

    Could it just be the lubrifiation or is it the motor?

    Thank you

    1. Hi, it can also be a paper problem

    2. .. a board problem :)
